Is he playing you ? ( signs he is playing you)

Is he playing you ? ( signs he is playing you)

If he’s not even trying, why are you?

We’ve all dated that guy. You know the one you like him so much, and you’re trying hard to make it work, but it just never 100% feels like he’s into it. always remember the saying ” when people show you their true colors believe them”

Guess what? If it seems like he’s not trying, chances are it’s because he actually isn’t.

Let’s be honest: we already instinctively know when a guy is really into us, and when he’s isn’t. We make up a million excuses to try and convince ourselves there’s a good reason for his lack of effort, or that we’re not seeing things clearly, when in fact, our gut is telling us everything we need to know, You need to know your worth and believe it, ladies, chasing someone or trying to make it work while he isn’t trying is only going to make you worthless to him, and even if it works you are always going to be giving 100% and he isn’t making an effort. chances are this relationship if I doubt it begins it will end in a very ugly way

 He only texts you only at night.

If his main form of communication with you is the post-10pm, ‘Wats up?’ text, you know how beneficial you are to him. No one is ever too busy. life is only about priorities

When a guy always texts you after a certain time of night, chances are, he was probably already out earlier, possibly with the girl he’s actually into. you are always on the backburner while you could be the priority for someone who values you. Remember there are many other fish in the sea.

You haven’t met any of his friends.

Have you ever been seeing a guy, and you’re out somewhere with him when he runs into his friends, and it’s clear they have no idea who you are?

That means not only has he never bothered introducing you to them, it also indicates he doesn’t even talk about you to his friends, which is what guys tend to do when they really like someone. It’s not just awkward, it’s humiliating. Don’t be the person who puts up with that. Kick him to the curb.

 He’s never bought you dinner.

If you’re looking for a real relationship, your prospective partner should at the very least be attempting to take you out on actual dates, typically the kind involving him buying you a drink or a bite to eat. If the closest you’ve gotten to a meal together is him ordering in pizza and then immediately splitting the bill, it’s a surefire sign he’s not really invested in having a relationship with you. I tell  woman to never ever take advantage of a man. it will lower the type of women you are. HOWEVER, HE SHOULD AT LEAST TREAT YOU DINNER ONCE. don’t take advantage of him but he should at least a gentleman.

You’re always the one who suggests getting together.

This is a big dating red flag. When you go out, whose idea is it?

a guy who’s truly interested in you will suggest meeting up and actively try to schedule dates. So at the early stages of seeing someone, it’s important to sit back and let him do the work. If in fact, you’ve taken the reigns and been the initiator of all your catch-ups so far, it’s a clear indicator that you’re chasing him, not the other way around. So STOP what you’re doing and give him a chance to be the initiator. If he falls off the radar, then he’s definitely an MPI guy. you don’t want to be the one chasing you, and he shouldn’t be chasing you either this is a relationship so 50/50 give and take. after all, you are adults, not high school kids. Always respect yourself and give him the respect he is giving you also.

He looks like a slob when he’s with you.

When he shows up to see you, has he shaved? Did he put some thought into his outfit? Or slap on some cologne to smell nice for you?

Sure, most men are a little naturally slovenly (sorry, guys), but a guy who likes you will at least try to clean up and look nice for you.

Forget how cute he looks in his grungy workout clothes and three-day stubble: if you put on lipstick and fixed your hair for him, and it’s questionable whether he even showered before he rocked up to see you, he’s not really invested in winning you over.


You feel like he doesn’t care about you.

When you’re together, it’s all about him. He goes on and on about his crazy day at work but never asks you how your day was. When you talk, he tunes out. He can’t remember your cat’s name or the fact that you’re allergic to shellfish.

This is a guy who’s all take and no give. It’s not that he doesn’t seem to care about you; it’s that he actually doesn’t. believe me when I tell you if a guy cares he will remember everything about you or most of the things, just like girls remember things about guys.

they aren’t different species no matter how hard they try to make it seem like they are different they aren’t men are just like a woman, so if he isn’t giving in not 10% chances are he doesn’t care.

You feel bad about yourself.

The worst thing about dating an MPI guy is that after a while, it starts to erode your self-esteem. If you feel bad about yourself, like you’re not worth making an effort over, you could be veering into toxic relationship territory. Never forget this simple fact: you are so worth making an effort for, so don’t sell yourself short. The right guy will make you feel beautiful, smart, funny, and irresistible. He will chase you, not play you.

Miss universe 2015 pia wurtzbach said always stay confidently beautiful with a heart 



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