Gender Differences in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar I disorder has comparable currency in men and women, whereas many studies have shown that there are more women than men with bipolar II disorder. Traditional epidemiologic studies give prevalence rates of 0.4–1.6% for bipolar I disorder and 0.5–1.9% for bipolar II disorder. Additional studies indicate that the prevalence of bipolar disorder II is even higher in the common […]

What Should You Know about Bipolar Disorder

What is bipolar disorder? Women with the disorder tend to have more depressive and fewer manic episodes than men do. … However, women are more prone than men to rapid-cycling bipolar, which is characterized by four or more episodes of depression and mania in one year Bipolar disorder involves many mixed emotions. unstable behaviors  The main symptoms of bipolar disorder are alternating episodes of extreme euphoria, or mania, and major depression. The fluctuations can be severe, […]